Hey there!

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While you are here, here's my MANIFESTO for a better web

Who are you? What are you? A collection of interests, desires, and connections? A pawn? Part of a bubble?

Or are you H U M A N?

Does astrology define you? Or an algorithm?

And what about the INTERNET - what is it? Is it just a faceless entity, or does it have a tangible form? Is it just social media? Does it have an owner? A handful of owners?.

The Internet once held the promise of a global village, a vast and interconnected world of human connections. People from all walks of life, united through shared interests and experiences. And memes.

It used to be possible to surf the internet. To navigate through personalized websites, each created with craftmenship, with its own unique style and aesthetics. .

Now it's a marketplace where your data is the commodity being bought and sold.

And the highest bidder wins - even elections.

But, beneath all the complexities, the internet is still composed of the same old bits and bytes, and this means we still hold the power to reclaim control and reshape these networks,steering them away from the dystopian path they seem to be heading towards..

Let's take the reins and the networks.